Formicinae Polyergus
Cytogenetic data
Species | haploid(n) | diploid(2n) | country(ies) | karyotype | notes | references |
Polyergus samurai | 27 | 54 | Japan | Imai and Yosida 1964  Imai 1966  Imai 1969   |
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Imai, H.T. Karyological studies of Japanese ants. I. Chromosome evolution and species differentiation in ants. Science Report Tokyo Kyoku Daigaku Section B, 14 : pp 27-46. 1969
Imai, H.T. , Yosida, T.H. Chromosome observation in Japanese ants. Annual Report of the National Institute of Genetics (Japan), 15 : pp 64-66. 1964
Imai, H.T. The chromosome observation techniques of ants and the chromosomes of Formicinae and Myrmicinae. Acta Hymenopterologica, 2 : pp 119-131. 1966