Formicinae Lasius
Cytogenetic data
Species | haploid(n) | diploid(2n) | country(ies) | karyotype | notes | references |
Lasius alienus | 28 | Switzerland | Hauschteck 1962   | |||
Lasius alienus | 15 | 30 | Switzerland, Germany | n=14 was also reported, Lorite and Palomeque 2010 suggested that such karyotype is due Robertsonian polymorphism | Hauschteckjungen and Jungen 1983   | |
Lasius brunneus | 15 | Spain | K=1M+3ST+11T | Karyotype n=16 was reported in Lorite et al. 2002b and suggested that it is due B-chromosome | Lorite et al. 1998a  Lorite et al. 2002b   | |
Lasius emarginatus | 30 | Switzerland | Hauschteck 1962   | |||
Lasius flavus | 15 | 30 | Switzerland | Hauschteck 1962  Hauschteckjungen and Jungen 1983   | ||
Lasius fuliginosus | 14 | 28 | Switzerland, Italy | Hauschteck 1962  Hauschteckjungen and Jungen 1983   | ||
Lasius nearcticus | 15 | 30 | USA | Crozier 1970b   | ||
Lasius niger | 15 | 30 | Switzerland, Japan, Spain | In Spain population, in Palomeque et al. 1990 variation in the number of chromososmes were reported due B-chromosome | Hauschteck 1962  Hauschteck 1963  Imai and Yosida 1964  Imai 1966  Imai 1969  Imai and Kubota 1972  Palomeque et al. 1990b   | |
Lasius pallitarsis | 28 | USA | as Lasius pallitarsus | Hung 1969   | ||
Lasius sakagamii | 15 | 30 | Japan | 2M+28A | Yamauchi et al. 2001   | |
Lasius talpa | 30 | Japan | Imai and Yosida 1964  Imai 1966  Imai 1969   | |||
Lasius umbratus | 15 | 30 | Switzerland, USA | Hauschteck 1962  Hung 1969   |
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Imai, H.T. The chromosome observation techniques of ants and the chromosomes of Formicinae and Myrmicinae. Acta Hymenopterologica, 2 : pp 119-131. 1966
Lorite, P., Chica, E. , Palomeque, T. Números cromosómicos en los Formícidos españoles. I. Subfamilia Formicinae. Boletín de la Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural (Sección Biología), 94 : pp 23-31. 1998a
Imai, H.T. Karyological studies of Japanese ants. I. Chromosome evolution and species differentiation in ants. Science Report Tokyo Kyoku Daigaku Section B, 14 : pp 27-46. 1969
Imai, H.T. , Yosida, T.H. Chromosome observation in Japanese ants. Annual Report of the National Institute of Genetics (Japan), 15 : pp 64-66. 1964
Crozier, R.H. "Karyotypes of twenty-one ant species (Hymenoptera; Formicidae), with reviews of the known ant karyotypes". Canadian Journal of Genetics and Cytology, 12 : pp 109-128. 1970b
Hauschteck, E. Die Chromosomen einiger in der Schweiz vorkommender Ameisenarten. Vierteljahrsschrift der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zürich, 107 : pp 213-220. 1962
Hauschteck, E. Chromosomes of Swiss ants. Proceedings of the 11th International Congress of Genetics, 1 : pp 140. 1963
Palomeque, T., Chica, E., Cano, M.A. , Díaz de la guar-dia, R. Development of silver stained structures during spermatogenesis in different genera of Formicidae. Genetica, 81 : pp 51-58. 1990b
Hauschteck-Jungen, E. , Jungen, H. Ant chromosomes. II. Karyotypes of Western Palearctic species. Insectes Sociaux, 30 : pp 149-164. 1983
Hung, A.C.F. The chromosome numbers of six species of formicine ants. Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 62 : pp 455-456. 1969
Imai, H.T. , Kubota, M. Karyological studies of Japanese ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). III. Karyotypes of nine species in Ponerinae, Formicinae, and Myrmicinae. Chromosoma, 37 : pp 193-200. 1972
Yamauchi, K., Yoshida, T., Ogawa, T., Itoh, S., Ogawa, Y., Jimbo, S.,Imai, H.T. Spermatogenesis of diploid males in the formicine ant, Lasius sakagamii. Insectes Sociaux, 48 : pp 28-32. 2001
Lorite, P., Carrillo, J.A., Tinaut, A. , Palomeque, T. Chromosome numbers in Spanish Formicidae. IV. New data of species from the genera Camponotus, Formica, Lasius, Messor, and Monomorium. Sociobiology, 40 : pp 331-341. 2002b