Dolichoderinae Anonychomyrma
Cytogenetic data
Species | haploid(n) | diploid(2n) | country(ies) | karyotype | notes | references |
Anonychomyrma itinerans | 8 | 16 | Australia | as Iridomyrmex itinerans | Crozier 1968a   | |
Anonychomyrma sp. | 16 | Australia | as Iridomyrmex sp. ANIC-10 | Crozier 1977   |
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Crozier, R.H. Cytotaxonomic studies on some Australian dolichoderine ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Caryologia, 21 : pp 241-259. 1968a
Crozier, R.H. Genetic differentiation between populations of the ant Aphaenogaster rudis in the Southeastern United States. Genetica, 47 : pp 17-36. 1977